27 February 2019
John Madge at Cox & Hodgetts Solicitors explains how switching to tmconvey’s Post-Completion services has helped him to speed up SDLT submission in his firm by 2 weeks.
“It used to take at least a fortnight for any SDLT5 forms to be returned.”
“Before using tmconvey’s Post-Completion services, my firm relied on posting paper SDLT submission forms to HMRC – and I would typically be waiting weeks for my SDLT5 forms to be returned. Even the quickest turnarounds were at least a fortnight.
This put pressure on my AP1 submission times and put them at risk of cancellation. Not only that, but occasionally forms would go astray, and I would have to waste time making chasing calls – and sometimes even start from scratch if they went missing completely.
I also once had a case where I had to appeal the penalty for a late submission, by confirming the dates of cheques sent and cashed. The situation was exacerbated by the fact that HMRC had also been in touch with my client directly with a penalty notice, so I also had to mitigate the reputational damage with my clients with additional phone calls and evidence of payment.”
“It’s so much quicker to fill in the SDLT forms online – and we get our SDLT5 back within seconds.”
“I’ve been using tmconvey’s Post-Completion services since October 2018, and find it so much quicker than paper submission – especially as my SDLT5 forms are returned in seconds.
I also find it easier to fill the SDLT forms in online, as not only is there no chance of it going missing in the post, there’s also less risk of information getting lost in translation and misspelt on any returned SDLT5 forms.”
“Even the most complicated scenarios are simple to process with intelligent, online forms”
“I always used to hate complicated scenarios when it came to filling out the SDLT form, such as a freehold property with a separate leasehold garage under a different title, as I would never be 100% sure of the sections I should fill out or whether the form would be sent back to me with additional queries.
However, as tmconvey’s online forms only present the fields I need to complete, it’s simple to fill out and get it right first time, so I can get the results returned just as quickly as any other submission I’m working on.
The interactive forms and automated error checking also help to make sure I don’t miss off any information. For example, if my client hasn’t sent across their National Insurance number, it’s obvious this information is missing from the form – and I’m reminded to add it before I click submit.”
Want to find out how tmconvey’s Post-Completion services can help to save your team time when submitting SDLT forms?
Take a look at tmconvey’s Post-Completion services, or request a FREE demo of tmconvey’s Post-Completion services.